What is a Workbasket, Work pool and Workgroup
What is a Workbasket, Work pool and Workgroup Work Basket is an instance of Assign-Workbasket. It is Queue of All the work Items those can be accessed by Multiple Operators who are connected to the basket via their Work Group. Work Group Acts an Interface between Operator and Work Basket. Work Group and Work Basket can be connected to each other. Work pool :- Class Group when added in the access group (Under Advanced Tab) it is said to be work pool. It Identifies which case types should be loaded for an operator to create work. Dependencies between workgroup and workbasket Report I have some questions about workgroup and workbasket. I already try to choose one workgroup and set two workbasket for my operator configuration. But I only get one workbasket access, following which chosen workgroup. Can one Operator have more then one workbasket access? Can someone tell me how dependencies bet...