

  42. What do you mean by workspace or studio? Ans:  A workspace is an environment that provides particular features and tools. 43. A system admin complained that he could not access the admin studio? What could be the potential reason? Ans:  One needed some tools to access Admin Studio; they are: SysAdmin4 PegaRULES: SysOpsAdministrator  PegaRULES: SysOpsObserver 44. In Pega 8.4, what are the new components added for application development?   Ans: In-app development, some cool new features are included : Role-based workspaces are used. Reusable components are managed effectively. Developers can review entire project highlights on a single page. 45. What is a prediction studio? Ans:  A prediction studio is a dedicated workspace for data scientists to control the life cycle of advanced analytics models. The prediction studio consists of predictive models, self-learning or adaptive models, and text models. 46. What are the benefits of DCO? Ans: DCO means Dir...


  What are the different types of classes that PRPC support? Ans: The different types of standard classes available are. Base class:   It is the ultimate base class, and Its Child Classes are work-, Data-, Rule-, Assign-, History-, etc. Pega always supports two types of classes which are abstract classes and concrete classes. Abstract Classes:   These classes end with ‘-‘ and abstract classes cannot create any work object instances. Concrete Classes:    It does not end with ‘-’, and abstract classes will create work object instances. 3. What is the difference between Page and Page List property, how are they implemented? Ans:  Page property   refers to a particular class and is used to access the property of that class.  Page List Property   also refers to a particular class, but it’s a collection of individual pages of the same class which can be accessed through numeric indexes. 4. Explain about Work Object? Ans:  A work object is the ...